Matthew Buckley

Matt has over 30 years’ experience in the Queensland property market.  He was registered as a valuer in 1989 and worked at numerous firms during his career.  Matt established the valuation division at Savills in 1999 and became Managing Director in 2009.  In 2013, Matt set up ACORPP in Brisbane which is an independent property advisory firm.  Matt also joined the board of GPS in 2013 and continues to sit on the lending committee.  Professional qualifications include those of Registered Valuer Qld No.1771, Certified Practicing Valuer within the Australian Property Institute and a Licensed Real Estate Agent.

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‘Tis The Season!

A reflection on the year that was from GPS Investment Fund...

We’re Still Adapting With Integrity

Insights from Richard Woodhead, Managing Director of GPS Investment Fund Ltd...