KB BM Group Pty Ltd

28 Collings Street, Balmoral QLD 4171

Borrower: KB BM Group Pty Ltd
GPS Invest loan amount: $4,570,900
Maturity Date: 27 December 2021
LVR: 68.18%
Return: 6.95% p.a. payable monthly in arrears

The proposed development will relocate an existing character dwelling to the north eastern corner of the site, partially demolish and extend the southern elevation and renovate to provide a refurbished three level dwelling. Two 3-level townhouses with roof top terraces will be constructed to the south-eastern corner of the site and three 3-level townhouses will be constructed to the rear western boundary. Each dwelling features three bedrooms, three bathrooms and double lock-up garages. Five of the six dwellings benefit from plunge pools or large spas.

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