Welcome to the New Financial Year


At this time of year, the GPS Investment Fund (GPS) team like to take stock and reflect on the year so far, and prepare for the year ahead. A lot has happened since January, which is why we’re looking back on what we accomplished, and what you can expect from us in the coming months:

‘Flexible Funding’ Driven Projects
Looking back, we spoke a lot about the evolving development landscape in South East Queensland, which has seen us engaged in more flexible loan conversations than ever before. Thankfully, GPS is built on trusted relationships and these loan conversations have been shared between us and our repeat borrowers. It’s because of our relationship-based finance approach that we’re able to assist previous GPS Borrowers with starting projects that we are confident in, and our investors should feel confident in too.

Looking ahead, one of these very projects is the recently settled Golden Square Development in Beenleigh. This project is by repeat GPS Borrower, the PSA Group, who’ve seen previous success with us on two projects in Southport. We’re happy we were able to work alongside them to reach the loan agreement they needed to begin this project in a rapidly growing area.

Distribution Rates
Looking back, in January we announced that following revisions of our distribution rates we were ultimately able to raise the target rate of return across the board!

Looking ahead, as the market continues to grow and evolve, we will continue to review these rates routinely throughout the year to ensure our development interest rates and investment returns are always in the best interest of our clients.

Succession Planning for Success
Looking back, as part of GPS succession planning we welcomed Board Member, Ben O’Hara, into the office as Executive Director back in January. Since then, Ben has become a pivotal member of the team by lending his knowledge and extensive experience to the GPS Investor Services and Accounts teams.

Looking ahead, as Ben continues to work within our teams, he is finding himself more involved in discussions with our Wholesale-level Investors and Co-investors. You can expect to hear more from Ben regarding insights into GPS and his experience in the world of financial management.

New Fund Opportunities
Looking back, (only a few weeks ago!) we officially launched our Platinum Tier investment opportunities, the GPS Invest Select Fund (Platinum Tier) and the Pooled Platinum Fund, as well as opening our Private Fund to new investments.

Looking ahead, with these openings, we’re proud to now be offering GPS Investors a full suite of opportunities across both our Pooled Funds (simplified diversification) and Select Funds (handpick your investments). With these new Wholesale Funds in place, investors are receiving an increased target rate of return in exchange for an increased level of invested capital.

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